General Computing, Technology Services Help Desk - 202-319-4357, 
Technology Services staffs a help desk from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. They are available to assist you with problems regarding your Catholic University computer account or email address, difficulty logging into or using Catholic University computers or software, and other general computing questions. Also see their website at

Cardinal Students, Help Desk - 202-319-4357, 
In most cases, the help desk can talk you through how to navigate the Cardinal Students system over the phone. If there are further problems, they will be able to direct you to the appropriate person or office.

Classroom Technology 
Report classroom emergencies you encounter with computers, projectors or audio equipment toTechnology Services.  For classroom emergencies, contact 202-319-6432.

Department Laptops - Any LIS student may check out a laptop by following the guidelines for laptop and equipment loans and arranging a pick-up time, that will be confirmed by staff. Questions may be directed to  staff at