The Department of Information Sciences hosts a Google Group - LIS-JOBS - where job seekers may search for jobs and employers may post jobs.  Anyone with a email may go to their email and groups and search for lis-jobs to join. To join the group with a non-cua email, email us at

The university's Center for Academic and Career Success assists students and alumni secure employment after graduation. They are able to help students with resumes and cover letters and help them search for job openings.

Professional Organizations

The Department of Information Sciences suggests a few of the professional library associations and organizations to encourage students to become active in the library profession.

Mentorship Opportunity!

For the third year in a row, the LIS Alumni Board will be facilitating an alumni mentorship program for the students of the CUA LIS program during the academic year.
Click here to sign up and let us know your professional interests, so we can better match you with one of our alumni mentors. 
Please feel free to contact with any questions.  We look forward to hearing from you!
The Library & Information Science Alumni Board
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC


Job Posting Sites

Campus positions

CatholicU Libraries:  The libraries hire students in full-time, part-time, and work-study positions.

Graduate Library Preprofessional (GLP) Program: The GLP program allows new and currently enrolled students in the Library and Information Science program to obtain paralibrarian work experience in the university libraries, thus establishing a foundation for their first professional positions.

Organization Sponsored Conference Travel

Are you interested in attending a professional library association's conference this year? Check with the individual associations for student awards and stipends available to help cover your travel expenses.