Diversity Statement

The Department of Information Sciences (DLIS) at the Catholic University of America provides a Library and Information Science (LIS) program that integrates the teachings of the Catholic Church, the University’s Catholic mission, and strong ethical principles of the library and information field. DLIS exercises the principle of human dignity and honor basic equality. DLIS is committed to provide and support an educational environment for any human conditions so that all humans can thrive and develop their potential. To demonstrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we make our strategic efforts:
  • To recruit our faculty, staff, and students from culturally diverse backgrounds
  • To foster a welcoming and inclusive culture for people from every background; value the contributions of all students, faculty, and staff
  • To promote the dialogue on diversity and social justice in diverse areas of knowledge
  • To support students in developing their full potential to become information professionals

Event: The Sister Thea Bowman Social Justice Lecture Series 

In spring 2019, the Department inaugurated a dedicated lecture series on social justice named after Sister Thea Bowman. The goal of the Lecture Series is to generate discussion and promote interest in the scholarship on social justice and to create an opportunity for faculty, students, and other professionals to discuss a dialogue around diversity and social justice issues. The lecture series will be presented once per academic year.

CUA Diversity Commitment and Resources

The Catholic University of America took a major step forward toward fulfilling its commitment to embrace and reflect the racial and ethnic diversity that enriches our Church, city, and nation. In fall 2020, The Sister Thea Bowman Committee was formed to study all facets of University operations and make recommendations concerning racial equality to the University leadership (https://www.catholic.edu/bowman/index.html).

Diversity Resources on CUA: https://www.catholic.edu/bowman/resources.html

The Office of Disability Support Services: https://dss.catholic.edu/