
Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Department of Information Sciences. I am very excited that you are interested in learning about our program.

We provide a professional education to train a future generation of information professionals within the Catholic identity and vision. The Library and Information Science program at The Catholic University of America is known for its strength of the curriculum, the quality of students and graduates, and the connection and engagement with professional organizations around Washington D.C Metropolitan areas.

Our faculty are productive researchers and caring educators with a wide range of specialties in LIS fields. Our faculty are deeply committed to helping students discover and prepare for their professional goals. Our courses emphasize a balance between theory and practice, encourage student engagement in discussion and research, and offer students with opportunities to apply their classroom knowledge to the community.  

Our students are very vibrant and engaging in various professional activities, research, and services to the community. Students have opportunities to gain experience while learning through practicums.  Many of our alums work in high positions in agencies like Library of Congress, Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives in the regions. Faculty, students, alumni, and professionals regularly come together for symposia, colloquia and informal networking events.  With various extracurricular activities and a close interaction among peers, faculty, and professionals, students are guided to find their interests and career paths.

We are proud of education and services we provide for library and information profession and the society. I invite you to our department website where you can find more about who we are and what is going on in the department. Please let us know if you have any questions about the Department of Information Sciences.  I look forward to opportunities to learn about you as well.   


Dr. Young Choi (

Chair, the Department of Information Sciences