
At Catholic University, all meetings and events at the University open to the student and University community, or open to the public, will be scheduled in accessible rooms. This requirement applies to academic events, whether curricular or co-curricular, and to all student organization meetings. (Catholic University Co-Curricular Scheduling Policy). The Department of Information Sciences follows this policy and hosts all events in physically accessible locations unless the meeting is a closed meeting and is certified as such.

Not all classrooms are accessible. If an individual with a disability finds that the space made available is not accessible, please notify the Department of Information Sciences. The department will work with the Registrar and/or with Pryzbyla Management to find an alternate location that is accessible. For specific guidelines on accommodations for those with hearing impairments please consult the Interpreter/Transcriber Request Policy.

For further information on making events accessible please see the Disability Support Services Web page.

Student Email

It is Catholic University policy that all course-related email be sent to student accounts. Some students prefer to use their personal accounts; however, it is their responsibility to forward their Cardinal Mail messages. Instructions on how students can forward their Cardinal mail to another account, can be found on the technology resource Web site.  

Classroom hours

University policy requires that each three-credit course must meet for 42 academic hours (50-minute hours), which amounts to 35 clock hours (60-minute hours). This does not include the final examination period. If you need guidance to determine how many academic hours an asynchronous class meeting covers, please contact the department office at (202) 319-5085.

Courses that meet only once a week may have between 12-14 weeks in which to meet this requirement. Courses meeting for six-week sessions must meet an average of 5 hours and 50 minutes each week to meet the requirement.

Canceling class

As it is university policy that you communicate with students via their addresses, sending an announcement through Blackboard is the best, easiest way to contact the entire class regarding cancellations.

Some student contact information (as authorized by the individual students) may be obtained through Cardinal Students. Under federal law the University can release directory information, which includes student addresses (both local and permanent), date of registered attendance, school or division of enrollment, major field of study, nature and dates of degrees and awards received. Other information is protected by law and may not be released without the permission of the student.

If you miss a class session, you must make it up in a manner that is acceptable to the students in the class. You can do so in several ways, such as adding time to some of your class sessions, scheduling a special class session, or incorporating online instruction. You cannot hold a make-up session if it conflicts with the students' classes, work, or personal schedules. If you need assistance planning an online make-up session, please contact us at or 202-319-5085. If you and your students would like to schedule an additional session or lengthen an already-scheduled session, please contact the department office to arrange classroom space.

Campus Emergencies

Students and employees are asked to immediately report any crimes, suspicious activity, or suspicious persons by contacting the Department of Public Safety dispatcher in Leahy Hall, 202 319-5111 (ext. 5111 on campus phones). If off campus, dial 911. You may also use any of the emergency telephones located throughout campus.

School Closure

Closings due to inclement weather are announced by the Provost's Office, and should be posted on the University's Homepage. The major networks will carry announcements as well. Alternatively, you may call the Campus Police (202-319-5111) or the Campus Operator. If you are teaching at an off campus site and suspect that it may be closed for whatever reason, preventing class from taking place, it is your responsibility to check with the site and notify students accordingly.

If your class is canceled you are responsible for making up any lost class time (see above under Canceling Class).

Fire and Fire Drills

Please review the fire evacuation plans for any building you are teaching in, and be prepared to help your students evacuate in case of fire. Once outside the building, call Campus Police either from a call box or by dialing 202-319-5111.

Every summer the University has a fire drill in each of the campus buildings. You will be notified of the days of these drills, but be aware of the disruption they may cause and plan accordingly.   

Student issues

The University has several departments designed to aid students with various issues, including personal problems, disabilities, language difficulties, and writing skills. If you think a student in your course could benefit from one of these services, please contact the dean's office.