January 29, 2010
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Great Room, Pryzbyla Student Center
The Catholic University of America
The Second Annual Symposium, “Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science,” offers a knowledge-sharing forum and meeting place for practitioners, students, and faculty in Library and Information Sciences and Services.
Presentations are selected to showcase innovative practices, projects, and research activities in a variety of library, archives, or information services activities. Because students, faculty, and practitioners all share their work, the Symposium encompasses many different aspects and points of view on Library and Information Professional work. The program’s goal is to foster unexpected connections across the spectrum of the information professions.
The Symposium will include two types of sessions: briefings, and posters. Briefings will be 15-minute descriptions of an innovative practice, project, or research activity. There will be morning and afternoon briefing sessions.
Posters will be exhibits describing a practice, project, or research activity. Posters will be viewable throughout the day, and there will be a poster session during which presenters will discuss their work with attendees.
Questions may be directed to the Committee at cua-slis-symposium@cua.edu.
9:30-10:00 am
Registration and Coffee
Pryzbyla Center
Third Floor
10:00-11:00 am
Opening Keynote Address
Roberta Stevens, President-elect, American Library Association
Great Room B
11:00 - 11:15 am
11:15am - 12:15 pm
Morning Breakout Sessions
Great Room A-Session #1
Great Room C-Session #2
12:15 - 1:45 pm
Lunch & Poster Presentations
Great Room B
1:45 - 3:00 pm
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Great Room A-Session #3
Great Room C-Session #4
Program Committee
Dr. Kimberly Kelley, Chair
Dr. Bill Kules
Mr. David Shumaker
Mr. Tim Steelman
Important Dates
Proposal Submissions Open: July 13, 2009
Proposals Due: September 11, 2009
Notification of Acceptances: November 13, 2009
Final Program Abstracts Due: December 11, 2009
Presentations Due: January 10, 2010