Friday February 1, 2013
Great Room, Pryzbyla Student Center
The Catholic University of America
Paper proposals are no longer being accepted.
Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science, offers a knowledge-sharing forum and meeting place for practitioners, students, and faculty in Library and Information Sciences and Services. Presentations are selected to showcase innovative practices, projects, and research activities in a variety of library, archives, or information services activities. Because students, faculty, and practitioners all share their work, the Symposium encompasses many different aspects and points of view on Library and Information Professional work. The program’s goal is to foster unexpected connections across the spectrum of the information professions.
The Symposium is sold out and registration is closed. Only pre-registered attendees will be admitted; we are unable to accommodate on-site registration.
We encourage attendees to use Metro if possible. The Pryzbyla Center is a short walk from the Brookland Metro stop. If you are driving, you may park in the O’Boyle lot at the north end of campus. However, spaces are limited and regular restrictions will be enforced in other university parking lots.
Special Meals
If you made a special dietary request, please speak to one of the waitstaff at lunchtime. Special meals will be held to ensure you get the one you requested.
The School of Library and Information Science would like to thank our Symposium sponsors, LAC Group, ProQuest and Springer.
Program Agenda
9:00-10:00 am
Registration and Coffee
Pryzbyla Center, Third Floor
10:00-11:00 am
Opening Keynote Address, Slides, Video
Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Internet and American Life Project
Great Room B
11:00 - 11:15 am
11:15am - 12:15 pm
Morning Breakout Sessions
12:15 - 1:45 pm
Lunch & Poster Presentations
1:45 - 3:00 pm
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Symposium Committee
Dr. Renate Chancellor, Dr. Sung Un Kim, David Shumaker
Committee shared email address: cua-slis-symposium@cua.edu